Carpet industry deserves to be connected electronically with online community, though it functions on its fundamental traditional principle but we believe every individual company should have a virtual liberary (website/online store) keeping this in mind we introduced RugsInfo to serve Global Carpet Industry. We are born carpeteers and have a good understanding on every aspects of the carpet industry, so we delivers exactly what the industry needs. Today, we're proud to empower the industry with our creativity and dedication.
Having a good understanding of the industry and it's functionalities we deliver exactly the same that the company needs.
We make website truly yours the way you imagine your website specifically should be with the ability of coding your website processed by learning and understanding your imagination.
A infomative home page with banner images, news & events, latest development and products thumbnail which communicates your thought with customers easily.
The pages are lively and manageable, you can dynamically update or change the product images, text contents and model in the same way to provide interactive user experience.
Product pages are categorized with accordance to it's categories like Handtufted: Modern/Perisan/Erased/Loop-Cut/Dip Dyed etc.
We use clean product images and photography with high contrast and perfect quality to managed page design stands out with an impressive layout.
A Website is to a company what personality is to a man or perfume is to a flower. Communication your design through your website and express the personality and attitude of your company in a style.
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Unify & Simplify! Manage the core business processes in realtime and integrate functional areas into a unified system from raw material purchase, stock, invoice & packing list, shipment and bill management etc.
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Buyer PO Follow-up
Wool Stock Management
Dyeing Program Management
Production Management
Finishing Management
Export Inventry
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Digital Workstaion of the Carpet Export and Import industry. RugsInfo has been the industry's standard service provider ever since the 2007.